Monday 5 January 2015

Day #23 - Memorising and revising – part 1

In one of the last posts I told you how I use mnemonic to connect the knowledge I own with new material. But this is just the beginning. Let’s be honest. If you want to remember the word you have to repeat it, repeat it and repeat it.
Have I told you yet that I’m not a talented language learner? Therefore I have to repeat new words more than others. 
But I have some help – an excellent ICT tool - Quizlet. I’ve already written about it, but this time I want to add some more details.

First I have to prepare my flashcards set. When I putting words and phrases one after another creating set sometimes I use auto-define option. Remember - the definitions from the list were added earlier by other users so you should be careful – not every of them are correct. But they really make creating set faster.

When my set is ready I go to the Cards section and show Both Sides of cards. I think this can be very helpful for learning by heart, because you can see both the English word and the translation. Quizlet will also “say” what is on both sides of the flashcards. So you can see the word, definition and hear both.

A few senses use and the what-I-see-close-together-I-remember-better rule – this have to work. And it works!

After that I usually go to the Learn section. Here I memorise the words by typing them and practicing spelling but without any stress because I can always Give up and Copy the answer.

Using Speller section I can hear the words and try to write them down (type actually). Here I have to be very careful with spelling.

After so many different task I usually know all the words from the set.
Of course I have to return to it later to revise material. I try to do it regularly, because without regular revising I usually forgetting very quickly.
If you want make your revision more varied you can use other Quizlet tools – Tests.

Or games – Scatter – a memory-like game or another game called Race.

Quizlet is very useful tool and I use it very often, almost daily. And in addition it has its mobile version too. I’m going to write more about it in following posts. To be honest without this tool my learning would be very tough and tedious experience. 

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