Saturday 14 March 2015

Day #44 - How to create your own Voki

Playing with Voki ( can be both funny and useful. You can create talking avatars using text or audio narration.
It’s better to start with creating an account, but it’s not necessary. You can just click the Create tab to begin making your own avatar.

In the window which opens you can see ramdomly created avatar, but you still can change it.  

To make it look like you want click on the button no. 1
Choose a figure (option no. 2) and accept changes with button Done (no. 3) 

Now it’s time for adding a voice. You can make it in three different ways.
The first one – changing text into speech is shown in the picture below. Type the text and choose the language. You can also choose the character of the voice: male or female, with different accents – British, American, Irish etc. It’s really enjoyable to hear those different versions of the speech. It can also be very educative to listen to the proper pronunciation of the text you prepared.
Be sure that you listen to the genereted voice otherwise at the end your avatar won’t talk.

The second way of adding voice – recording you speech. Click the button with the microphone to see the window from the picture below. Begin recording by clicking Record button (no. 1), check if everything is OK – click Play button (no.2), save the recording (no. 3) and accept all by clicking Done (no. 4).


The last way of adding voice – downloading prepared earlier file.  Click the button with the file to see the window below. Choose the Browse button to find the file with recorded voice, and then Download button. Listen to the recording by clicking Play button. If everything is OK choose Done button.

All you have to do now is publish your work and embed it on your website or just sent or save the link to your avatar. But remember it can exist only on the web.

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