Friday 5 June 2015

It’s half of the year now.

I’ve been dealing with my project Englishfor365days for a while (if you want to know more about the idea of the project read this).
I’ve just checked and discovered that my first post was published on 29th of November 2014. So it’s more than a half of the year now.
Of course I want to know if my ideas work. If my English is becoming better and better. And definitely it is.
First I can feel it – I know what you think, feelings don’t proof anything, but bear in mind that more advanced learners often can’t see that they really develop their language – it’s easier to notice it on the more basic levels. But I definitely can see the difference.
Second – I decided to check how my English is going and I repeated some of the tests I’d done at the beginning of the project. Of course I can’t be sure that results are true, but there must be something.
How many words do I know?
My results at the beginning:

After 4 months:

And after about 6 months: 

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